
It was very exciting and sometimes a little sad. I want more stories! Can I make up my own?
Age 9
Is the next book coming soon? I really love it! 9/10! It is now one of my favourite books!
Age 12
This is the kind of book that I would want to get for my kids. And it makes me want to get a dog as well! Also, the art is amazing. I dove through the story knowing that I’d be rewarded with another stunning piece of art just around the next chapter!
Age 26
I won’t count the times the book brought tears to my eyes, and then a smile to my face. I think the best thing I can say about it is that I was still thinking about it for days on end after finishing it.
Age 42
Very original, very interesting. Something special for animal lovers. The art really helps complement the story. It was especially interesting to recognize the allegories from myth and religion that arose throughout the book. I missed a few! How the atmosphere changes as the book moves on was also something I liked.
Ben Lean
Age 55